About SocialOffset

We create agency for everyday people to stay true to their values.

What Is SocialOffset?

SocialOffset is a nonprofit organization that provides a socially conscious alternative to event and destination boycotts.  We are a community of people determined to stay true to our values when we travel to or host events. We help event attendees and business travelers offset spending in destinations whose laws do not align with their core values by making it easy to donate to local charities that do. 

<span class="graphic-num">1</span> <br>We research.

SocialOffset prioritized causes where help is needed and vets local charities making an impact.

<span class="graphic-num">2</span> <br>You amplify.

Event organizers select your cause(s) and charity, create a campaign, then  share it with attendees who make donations.

<span class="graphic-num">3</span> <br>They benefit.
For every dollar you offset, 100% of donations go to your designated charity(ies) serving local communities and your attendees have peace of mind.

We Research.

SocialOffset prioritized causes where help is needed and vets local charities making an impact.

You Amplify.

Event organizers select your cause(s) and charity, create a campaign, then share it with attendees who make donations.

They Benefit.

For every dollar you offset, 100% of donations go to your designated charity(ies) serving local communities and your attendees have peace of mind.

How SocialOffset was Created

In 2019, Elena, co-founder of SocialOffset, was traveling home on a business trip and needed to find dinner. Unfortunately, the only available option at the airport was a restaurant Elena had boycotted for years, due to their anti-LGBTQ+ financial support, which conflicts with Elena’s core values. After begrudgingly buying a sandwich, Elena tried to determine how much of the money she just spent could land in the hands of someone actively working against what she believes in. She thought, wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to help people donate money to rebalance their spending?  Fast forward to 2022 when her wife and co-founder, Beth, was traveling to a conference in a state that had recently put forward harmful anti-LGBTQ+ policy. Beth questioned if she should boycott the event, and Elena and Beth talked about making a donation to offset the impact of her spending in the state. The idea percolated and then accelerated when Erin posted to an online community about making donations to support reproductive freedom in a state where a large annual conference was being held. As Elena and Beth drove home that night and discussed what they should do, the concept for SocialOffset came to be. 

Elena Gerstmann, PhD, FASAE, CAE

President and Co-Founder (elena@socialoffset.org)

Beth Surmont, FASAE, CMP-Fellow, CAE

Secretary and Co-Founder (beth@socialoffset.org )

Board of Directors

Marc Beebe

Shawn Boynes

Shawn Boynes, FASAE, CAE

Cameron Curtis, CMM, CAE

Erin M. Fuller, FASAE, CAE

Elena Gerstmann, PhD, FASAE, CAE

KiKi L’Italien

Rhonda Payne, CAE

Dr. James H. Pogue

Beth Surmont, FASAE, CMP-Fellow, CAE

Founding Partners

SocialOffset is grateful for the early support of our founding partners. These organizations are helping shape and scale SocialOffset and advance social justice in their local communities.